Contents of the Form required for ‘Signature Change’ with RTA

Bhaskar Goyal
4 min readNov 13, 2019


Each Mutual Fund security (such as shares, bonds, or equities) is authenticated with the digital signature of the holder. The value of a digital signature is equivalent to that of a regular signature, required to validate any document. A shareholder registered with a mutual fund company can change his/her signature or apply for one in case of unavailability via the company’s official Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (RTA).

The prime requirement is the Affidavit which the shareholder needs to fill while applying for a fresh digital signature. Another major requirement is written consent to the terms and conditions of the company.


The form is segregated into 9 segments:

1. Basic Details

Details such as shareholder’s name, current address, concerned mutual fund house name, office address, folio details, folio number, details 0f shares, certificate number, etc. are required by the shareholder.

2. Address Confirmation

This is to confirm the current residence of the applicant. The declaration that the applicant is residing in the same house for the past 3 years. If not then the applicant needs to present attested proof of its new address.

3. Share Declaration

Under the segment, the shareholder confirms that he is the owner of the particular shares and also reveals the purchase year of the shares.

4. Revocation of the Old Signature.

Provides his/her consent that his/her current signature recorded with the company should be cancelled as they are no longer valid or have changed. Shareholder gives the approval for canceling his/her current signature registered with the company as they are no longer in use.

5. Validation of the New Signature

The shareholder approves that the specimen signature affixed to the documents provided by him should be registered by the company as a proxy to his existing signature with the company.

6. Confirming the Company’s Non-Liability for any of the Consequences

The shareholder/applicant affirms that the company or its agents cannot be held responsible for any possible consequences that may occur in reaction to this request of changing the signature.

The shareholder confirms that the company has no liability for any of the consequences in response to the change in the signature.

7. Consent on Transactions of Securities

Shareholder gives his consent on the transactions of securities carrying his/her new signature to be considered as a valid deal.

8. Self-attested Identity & Address Proofs

Attested copies of his/her identity proof, and current address proof with a current photograph is required for identification.

9. Verification

The shareholder confirms the information provided by him and the format of the Affidavit.

The form even contains details mandatory for a shareholder while going through the process of form filling and signature replacement. After validating all the details in the form one can ensure the replacement of his/her signature with the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.

SAG RTA is an authorized Registrar and Transfer Agent by the SEBI that works for the multiple features and requirements of the clients such as dematerialization shares, investor data maintenance, and various other miscellaneous services such as technical support for the clients with record management.

For more queries and services one can visit the official portal of SAG RTA i.e. for more details and hiring of RTA Services. Also, avail the latest offers for all the tax professionals i.e.



Bhaskar Goyal
Bhaskar Goyal

Written by Bhaskar Goyal


I’m a Financial Service Advisor at SAG RTA and provides finance related service to the companies client investors and professionals.

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